CompTIA Security+® SY0-601 Exam Prep Course

Prepare for the Security+ exam, as administered by CompTIA

Enroll Anytime Online Self-Paced Course

The CompTIA Security+® (SY0-601) Exam Prep Course prepares test-takers for the Security+ exam, as administered by CompTIA. The course contains a variety of content presentation methods to help teach the concepts and vocabulary, and ultimately, learners are given ample opportunity to assess their skills with a multiple-choice practice exam.


Excel Advanced Skills Online

Learn Advanced Excel Functions

Online Self-Paced Course

This course is designed for the learner who already has a solid understanding of Excel's basic tools and functions. The course teaches learners some of the more advanced skills and features available in Excel, which may be useful in data analysis. These skills include style templates, conditional formatting, data validation, data manipulation, and pivot tables.

After completing this course, you will be able to:


HTML Developer Certificate

HTML is the foundation of web development

The U.S. Department of Labor projects careers for web developers will grow much faster than average. By mastering HTML you will be able to develop and maintain web pages unlimited to a particular software program's features. This course in web page design and development provides hands-on experiences in HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript to develop, validate, link, publish, design, and maintain web pages using industry standard tools.

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