Turn up the cyber this summer with Davenport's GenCyber Technology Camp
Grab your friends and spend five days learning the fundamentals of cybersecurity at Davenport. During this FREE camp experience, you will learn about valuable cybersecurity topics from university professors through interactive, activity-based lab exercises; discussions; and group experiences. Space is limited, so don’t wait!
Who: Students entering 9th to 12th grade. No prior cybersecurity knowledge required. All skill levels are welcome.
When: June 17-21, 2024 | 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Plus pre- and post-camp activities
Where: Grand Rapids, Warren or Lansing campus
For questions related to the student GenCyber Camp, please email gencyber@davenport.edu.

Application process
Step 1 - Create an account here.
Step 2 - Once you've successfully created an account, you will be asked to verify your email. This notification will be sent by notify@ngwebsolutions.com with the subject line 'Confirm your email'. Please check the spam folder if it isn't delivered to your email Inbox.
Step 3 - After you've confirmed your email, you will be prompted to log in.
Step 4 - You may now complete the GenCyber Summer Camp Student Application. Please note, you will be asked to submit a letter of recommendation from a current high school teacher OR a 250- to 500-word personal essay explaining why you would like to attend camp.
Step 5 - During the application process, you will be asked to provide contact information for a parent/guardian. Upon completion of the student application, your parent/guardian will also receive an email to complete their information. Parents/guardians should also create an account.
Have questions? Please use these step-by-step instructions.
2024 Pre-camp activities
Students will be required to participate in several pre-camp activities. Most will be held virtually and many will be recorded for convenience. All the activities starting April 24 begin at 4 pm. Ending times will vary depending on the activity. Please note students can still apply for the GenCyber Camp even if the pre-camp activity dates have already passed.
March 21 | Info session (optional) RSVP |
March 26 | Info session (optional) RSVP |
April 24 | Camp orientation and pre-test |
May 1 | Cybersecurity lab (game) by NOVA Labs |
May 8 | Cyber safety and etiquette |
May 15 | Cyber Awareness Challenge 2024 |
May 22 | Python programming |
May 29 | Current events in cybersecurity |
June 5 | Guest speaker |
June 12 | Cybersecurity ethics |
Post-camp virtual sessions
Post-camp activities are from 4 pm - 7 pm.
June 26 | Hack the box |
July 2 | TBD |
July 9 | TBD |
July 10 | TBD |
*Class schedule is subject to change. Space is limited to 30 students for the Grand Rapids (Lettinga Campus) Commuter Camp, 20 students for the Lansing Commuter Camp and 25 students for the Warren Commuter Camp. Camp assistants will be K-12 teachers from Michigan school districts who have undergone a background check.
This GenCyber Camp is funded by grant H98230-22-1-0160 from the Department of Defense National Security Agency and the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Security Agency.