Notes on writing style

Strong writing standards help produce a consistent, branded voice across all channels.

Our guidelines are based on the Associated Press (AP) style. Some styles may be broken on a case-by-case basis and only when the design or user experience would be improved by the change. The downloadable guide and webpages are intended to clarify any style choices of the Davenport brand that might contradict the recommendations of popular dictionaries or style guides. If you cannot find what you're looking for here, please download and consult our full writing guide or brand guide.

Voice and tone

The voice and tone of any brand should be much like that of an individual –– consistent. At Davenport, it's just as important that our writing sounds the same as it is that our design looks the same. 

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Capitalization, punctuation and more

Everything's not always as simple as it seems. That's why we've done our best to outline the rules for capitalization, proper punctuation and other university-specific oddities when it comes to writing on behalf of, or about, the university.

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